Monday, September 16, 2013

Northern Mexico

Americans think that all Mexicans are mestizo, other americans think that Mexican is a race, the truth is Mexico is divided into 3 ethnic regions, Northern Mexico is mostly white, Central Mexico is mostly Mestizo, and Southern Mexico is mostly Amerindian.

Now lets talk about Northern Mexico, lots of people (especially americans) think that Northern Mexico is very dangerous since it's so close to the border, the truth is that Northern Mexico is the most developed area of Mexico.

Northern Mexico is 80% White, including the states of Chihahaua, Sonora, Baja California Norte & Sur, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Durango, and Sinaloa.

Northern Mexico was settled by many europeans was it was closer to the other colonies such as the Danish, French, and English colonies, as Denmark had Greenland, France had Quebec & St. Pierre and Miquelon, and England had the United States, Canada, and Bermuda.

Northern Mexico has the bigger cities in Mexico, and lots of mestizos and amerindians from Central & Southern migrate to that side of the country for better opportunities.

Northern Mexicans

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