Saturday, September 14, 2013

Antarctica (a colonial continent)

Antarctica has a population of 3,181 part-time colonists, Antarctica was first colonized by Norway in the 1910s, beginning a new era for Antarctica, Antarctica was also colonized by other countries such as UK & France.

Antarctica only includes part-time colonists as it's native population, part-time colonists migrate from a colonial power and settle in a colony either year-round, or seasonal, and then migrates back to the colonial power, part-time colonists are mostly scientists, experts, & explorers, they also bring their families to the continent,

Antarctica is the least-populous continent in the world, with only 3,181 people living there, Antarcticans are 99% of European descent, with 1% being of other races, Antarctica is also considered a ""western continent"" along with North America, Europe, & Australia.

Antarctica is the only continent that remains under colonial control, giving it the nickname of the ""Colonial Continent"", while the rest of the world is mostly independent.

Countries in Antarctica
Argentine Antarctica (Argentina)
Australian Antarctic Territory (Australia)
British Antarctic Territory (United Kingdom)
Chilean Antarctic Territory (Chile)
Queen Maud Land (Norway)
Peter I Island (Norway)
Ross Dependency (New Zealand)
Adelie Land (France)

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